Privacy Policy

We know that the privacy of your personal information is important to you. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of your information and we want you to know the safeguards we put in place.

This website privacy policy addresses the information we collect when you view our website.
Non-public information we collect

If you use our website, we collect the following types of information:

Cookies. A cookie is a text file that is placed on a user’s computer, if accepted by the computer, and provides us with information such as whether you are a new or returning visitor and which web pages you visit.

Transparent gifs. Transparent gifs are an invisible image that collects information such as where you came from to visit a particular web page or which of the multiple links to the same page you used to access that page.

Log files. Log files are text files on the server that collect information such as your Internet protocol address, Internet service provider, and browser type. We use this information to determine things like the number of visitors and the day and time of the visit to our website.

If you choose to submit your contact information to indicate your interest in an inquiry, we receive your name, address, phone number and email address from you.

We do not disclose information obtained through the use of cookies, clear gifs or log files to affiliated or unaffiliated third parties. This information is used internally to better design and manage our website.
Information Security

We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable laws and regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Access to such information is restricted to those employees who are trained in the proper handling of customer information and have a legitimate business need to access such information.

If you have entered your contact information on our website to express your interest in being contacted, we use your information to enable a representative of ours to contact you about this opportunity.

Our Commitment

This privacy policy applies to our current and former customers and is effective as of January 1, 2018. Because privacy is important, we are committed to working with you to protect and safeguard the security of your customers’ personal information.

Nuestro compromiso

Esta política de privacidad se aplica a nuestros clientes actuales y anteriores y está en vigor desde el 1 de enero de 2018. Debido a que la privacidad es importante, nos comprometemos a trabajar con usted para proteger y salvaguardar la seguridad de la información personal de sus clientes.